Sunday, March 18, 2012

Final Draft #2

It Should Have Been Me.... 

Why is it we feel when other people are in pain? We say it but we actually don't know what they're going
Five years ago, you would have seen a young girl, about nine, still in denial a week after her sister's death.
She knew it happened but she didn't want to believe it.
All alone in her room, someone would rarely witness a single crystal tear run down her cheek. At nine years old, she has never seen a dead body....until that one single day that haunts her in her dreams.
She refuses to talk about it. She refuses to get help. She didn't want help. She didn’t need it. She didn't want to go to therapy and tell a complete stranger about her sister's suicide and have the stranger tell her that they know what she's going through. Doubt they do know.
In her room, staring at a closet from her bed, she watched the fabrics of her clothing. To you it may just be clothes. But to her, they show her pictures. Pictures of what use to be and what is now. Things of past memories. Things of heartache and happiness.
As the young girl's nose get stuffy and her eyes watery and red, people outside her door people go about their lives.
If they can do it...Why can't she?
Because she is so young and doesn't know any better.
Her once pure and happy heart turns scared and hopeless. Her once bright eyes, turned dull. Her once shining smile, turned to a dark frown.
Like she said, she didn't need help. She doesn't need the same stranger barging into her life thinking they been through what she did. THEY DIDN'T! No one did. She's left in her little world ALL ALONE. Even if so many people roam around her, she still feels alone. Gone-- because of a memory so long ago.
Would you know how it feels to disappear from the world at nine years of age? Do you know how she feels living up to her sister's story? Do you know how hard it is for her to tell the story of her sister's death? Or how hard it is to hold her tears back?
No one understands! No one cares!
All alone, this poor disgrace of a girl.
It was her fault that her sister tied that rope around her neck- It was all her fault. People tell her it wasn't but she KNOWS what's true. But yet, she sits and nods her head in agreement with them. But she knows deep within her heart: she disagrees with ALL of them.
All she thinks now is: "It should have been me."

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